Actually, I really like my job. I ride the metro every morning to the Union Station stop. It's about a 30 minute ride, but it's really not so bad. The first picture is of the inside of Union Station, and the second is my office building, which is about 2 blocks away from the metro. I told my parents-- it's really hard to picture where I am in the city since I only travel underground. I know where I am when I get out at most stops, but it's hard to piece them together. It bothers me a little because
When I get to work I check for my assignments, and then it's off to Capital Hill for the day. It's a 15-20 minute walk each way (in heels) and sometimes I make more than one trip per day, so I'm thinking my calf muscles are going to be massive by December. For those members of the Shaw family that caught those numbers...yes, my walking time is going to increase drastically, so you better get your shoes on now! :-)
So far at Capital Hill I've gone to hearings, a rally, and a speech. It's weird to see all of the people you see on TV in real life...and it's amazing how many hearings and meetings go on every single day on so many topics on Capital Hill. I kind of see now why it's so hard to get everything accomplished. There's so much to talk about and include in every decision.
I have a kind of cool story though-- The first day I got to go on my own to Capital Hill I had a hearing at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. The first hearing lasted until 1:00, so I had to decide whether or not to go back to the office for lunch. I started to go, but half way there I realized I probably wouldn't have time, and I should just eat in the basement cafeteria of one of the House buildings. So, I turned around and cut through the Capital building. I saw a bunch of police cars as I walked in, but didn't think much of it because there are tons of police
Then, all of the sudden a swarm of security was walking right toward me and shoving people off to the side of the walkway. "Just stand out of the way please," they were saying. "Stand out of the way and you'll get to see him!" I just stared at the security guard, but quickly moved out of the way wondering who it could be (obviously hoping for a certain someone). An then he walked right past me-- three feet away.
Okay, I'll tell you who it was...Dick Cheney. Sorry to disappoint those who were thinking I would say Bush, but it was still very exciting for me! He's shorter than he looks on TV, I must say. The next day I saw Nancy Pelosi speak, and today I had to go to a speech given by Richard Durbin. So I am getting my excitement in D.C. In fact, I read my school paper, the Newswire, today online, and they say I'm learning to "schmooze." It made me laugh.
I'm also touring the city as much as possible so that I'll know where to take everyone when they come to see me! Last weekend I visited the Natural History Smithsonian with some friends, went on a tour of Georgetown, and went shopping in a town called Chevy Chase--
Georgetown was my favorite by far. I love the atmosphere. However, the restaurants must make all of their money on tourists because they have awful service! We went to one called Cabana where the waiter told us he didn't really have time to get our food for us. It made for a good story though, and was so unbelievable that it was actually pretty funny.
I still like my roommates. I hang out with Johnna a lot. We also do things with Naty, Stephanie (not from the apartment) and all of the Mexican girls who are so much fun! The other night they made us a sour-salty cucumber dish that was really good. My roommate Stephanie is in my program and my class, so of course I see her a lot, too. I took pictures of all of them for you to see. Johnna is the one one the phone, Naty is the one with me, and Stephanie is the one with the glasses. (There are so many Stephanie's here--I think of my Xavier Stephy so much! :-))
I was happy to see that the Colts won their last game--but I confess I didn't watch much. I was also happy
I am definitely looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning, so it's adios for now. Thanks for reading again! I miss everyone tons! Lots of love.
Kelly, if you see a 202 area code on your cell phone caller ID answer it. Its George Will wanting to do lunch!
Let me know!
So, did you call him ??
Good post.
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